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Eliminating Negativity

Eliminating Negativity

What we are today is primarily influenced by four factors. Firstly, it’s the knowledge and teachings we receive. Secondly, our thoughts play a significant role. Thirdly, our dietary habits have an impact, and finally, our past experiences and present actions contribute to shaping our present and future, commonly referred to as ‘Destiny.’

The question of whether we can alter our destiny often intrigues many. The answer is a resounding yes. By making the right choices, we can indeed change our destiny.

To attain happiness, it’s essential to steer clear of negativity, which can manifest as illness, financial struggles, relationship issues, and unhappiness in our professions. Negativity can adversely affect us through emotions such as ego, anger, stubbornness, jealousy, greed, lust, and laziness. By consciously eliminating these negative aspects, we can achieve a stable and contented mind.

Internal negativity is bound to arise frequently, and just like we clean our homes and surroundings, we must continually cleanse ourselves of these negative influences. External negativity may come from our parents, relatives, or close associations, and it’s crucial to dust away these external and internal negative forces. This is the path to shaping our destiny and leading a joyful life.