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Three Gunas of Life

Behavioural Science, as we know it today, had been adequately covered in the 14th Chapter of the Bhagavad Gita. Three primary qualities called Gunas exist in this universe. They are Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas- as symbolized through the holy Trishul of Lord Shiva.

Sattva is pure without impurities. It is satisfaction, happiness, absence of vengeance, forgiveness, absence of fear or injury to anyone and all positive qualities you can imagine. It binds your soul through happiness and knowledge. Rajas is the duality of life. Beauty, pain, cold, hot, war, peace, giving gifts and accepting gifts for a materialistic reason, loving a person and ignoring the person due to selfish motives, etc. Tamas is full of passion. It is born out of intense desire and attachment. It is ignorance, indecision, cupidity, rudeness, absence of faith, unhappiness, violation of rules of conduct, all negativity in a nutshell. It is the darker side of all species. It binds the soul through recklessness.

These three Gunas are interlinked with one another. They make the journey of life together. It is like a day in three different parts. Bramha Muhurat – is Sattva. It is between 3:30 am to 6 am, full of goodness, calm and conducive for practicing meditation. As the day progress, passion becomes prominent and till twilight – it is Rajas. The night is the darkness, ignorance, time to sleep – it is Tamas.

The three Gunas are to be balanced in our life to ensure happiness. You have to live with this balance to attain the god. Guru knows how to balance as he sees us from an elevated state.